Secure sustainable growth with timely and reliable insights on agricultural production
Our solution .
Hyperplan software, powered by remote sensing data and cutting-edge AI, offers the easiest and fastest access to relevant insights to drive your business.
Our easy-to-deploy and user-friendly interface transforms parcel-level data into actionable decisions for daily operations.
Comprehensive Visibility on Agricultural Production:
From parcel-level detail to national scale; access field boundaries, crop rotations, yield estimates, and quality risk assessments.
Benefits .
Hyperplan's software is a game-changer in commercial and procurement operations, allowing you to:
Stay Ahead of the Game
Create data-driven budgets with forward-looking season estimates and safeguard ongoing operations with timely and reliable crop monitoring.
Unlock Seamless Interoperability
Our software is built as a library of data at parcel-level, that can be augmented with data from your IS (ERP, CRM, FMS). This means that Hyperplan enhances your team and evolves as your personalized hub of market and business intelligence.
Grow Your Perimeter
Venture into new territories with comprehensive visibility at parcel or farm-level, rapidly identify prospects with parcel-search service, and manage commercial teams effectively to optimize and steer sales & marketing efforts.
Become a sustainability champion
Monitor and expand sustainable agricultural practices, such as tillage, cover cropping, and rotations.
What makes us different .
Let's get in touch .
Fancy a call with our team to explore your needs ?
Our partners .
8 rue de la Madeleine
64210 Bidart